Today was a day. Not a bad day, not a good day, just a day. But, not every day can be amazing.
Glenn and his new buddy Shaggy |
Glenn had a rough night. He was sick for most of it, and as a result, he and Mom didn't get much sleep. He has rebounded really well though and after finally getting some rest, he has been doing much better. They did another CAT scan which showed there was still some swelling in his brain, but the doctor said that this was to be expected and he is still pleased with Glenn's progress. They even took his staples out today, which is awesome, and we are still hoping that Glenn will get moved to the rehab unit tomorrow. He is alert and very aware of his surroundings. Most importantly he is still our Glenn. He still isn't up for visitors, but he hopefully will be soon.
All in all, we're staying positive and we are still filled with hope that Glenn will win this fight!
Glenn and Jared |
Ok... Lets try this again! :-) Temperament comment field.... Shaggy has got a great job----->kicking cancer in the butt! Love the Lance inspiration quote and I remember from reading it in one of his books or website? I vote fight like hell! Love & prayers-Ty
ReplyDeleteGlenn, it tears my heart out to hear this about a dear childhood friend. This is Mike Parks from Hailey. Thanks to Cindy, we now can include you and your family in our daily prayers. Knowing the fighter you are, you can beat this thing. You've always been strong and fearless, so I know that the future is bright. It sounds like you are blessed with a wonderful family; which is at your side during these difficult times. Hopefully before the weather turns to winter we can come see you when you are able to have visitors. Take care my friend and remember we are thinking and praying for you.