Our Family's Story

Our Family's Story

Friday, October 12, 2012

Don't Count the Days, Make the Days Count

I've always heard that when God closes a door, He opens a window.  After today, I really believe that is true.  The fact is Glenn has a very serious type of cancer. But, there is another fact that got overshadowed yesterday: we are NOT giving up!  We have not started a countdown, we have started a fight.  And this is a fight that we are all going to give everything we have to win.

Glenn is a rockstar!  He has been doing better than expected from the very beginning.  His surgery went faster than expected, he only spent one day in the ICU (after brain surgery!) and has been making amazing progress during his stay in the neurology unit.  Everyone is really impressed with his progress.

Today's update:
*Glenn has been able to keep food down and his coloring looks great. (Jared told me that all he had to do was dip the turkey in the gravy and Glenn ate it right up. Sounds good to me!)
The best part of rehab
*If everything continues to go well, Glenn will get moved from the neurology unit to the rehab unit, where he will begin rehab, as well as radiation and chemotherapy treatments. He will spend at least four days here and then he will be reassessed every few days until he is ready to go home. Yay!
*He has more involuntary movement in his left arm, which is a great sign because it means the neurons are firing.
*During physical therapy today, the PT helped him stand for about 3 minutes. This is a really great sign!
*One of the best things that happened today was when Glenn figured out how to work the remote.  It controls the window blinds, the lights as well as the TV.  He was having so much fun turning the lights on and off and on and off, and then opening the blinds and then closing them over and over.  Finally, he started flipping through every single channel on the TV.  Mom and Jared looked at him with bewildered looks, wondering, "What is he doing?"  Glenn just looked back at them and grinned and said, "I can be annoying even from here."  I'm so glad to see that he hasn't lost his sense of humor!

Although he is making fantastic progress, Glenn still isn't ready to have visitors.  He is, however, reading this blog and loves to hear all of the wonderful comments everyone is leaving.  Keep them coming! (If you want to leave a private message, you can always email us as haarfamily99@gmail.com)

As always, keep Glenn and Mom in your prayers and don't lose hope.  The best thing we can do is stay positive and do whatever we can to beat this crappy disease.



  1. Thanks for the update! Uncle Glenn you are rock star! Good to see you with a remote in your hands--->man's best friend! ;-) Sending love and prayers! -Ty

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I don't know Glenn personally. I went to SHS w/Linda. I am glad we have reconnected through fb and was happy to see her at our 30th class reunion last Fall in Utah.

    FF now to this time in her life of such uncertainty and pain. It's hard to think of ways to give support in this capacity as a distant friend. But if a few words here and there can let her know she is thought of and cared about then I am ALL IN! It breaks my heart to know she and her dear husband have this road in front of them. Reading these first two blog posts have given me a sense of how special of a man Glenn is. It's hard to fathom why such terrible things come about in the lives of great people like this. I can say how sorry I am over and over because I truly feel that for your family. I can see by the family photo the love you all share between each of you.

    I will close by including that what I have been reading is very inspiring. I will pray that Glenn has strength beyond the imagination of his docs and that it will give him the ability to fight this cancer w/great success. Hang in there as a family. I think your story will reach a lot of people that will be praying and also hoping right alongside of you all.

    Lovingly sent,
    Kris (Dixon) Maxwell

  4. Glenn my prayers go out to you and your family. You are a fighter and you WILL pull through this. Much love to you and your family. Cindy Charlton

  5. Hi Glenn, We are all wishing you and your family strength and courage and compassion.
