Our Family's Story

Our Family's Story

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Thank You

Now that all of the family has left, and we have had a chance to say our goodbyes- both to Glenn and to each other- there has been time to reflect. Although it was one of the saddest days I've ever experienced, Saturday was also a day of family, remembrance, and peace. In short, it was a day of Glenn. There are so many people our family wishes to thank. The first are the wonderful hospice team that were there for Mom and Glenn and who helped guide them down a very difficult and uncertain path. Not only were they there with Glenn until the end, they all attended the funeral service, once again providing us comfort at a difficult time. Thank you Steve, Cynthia, and Connie for being so caring, comforting, and supportive. Also, we want to thank the wonderful staff at Alden-Waggoner Funeral Chapel, especially Nate. He made a very difficult day a little easier by anticipating our needs and always going the extra mile. We were very impressed by the respect and kindness that was shown and I can't imagine things going any better. Thank you. Finally, we want to thank all of the wonderful friends and family who made the effort to attend the service. Some of you went to great lengths and traveled great distances to be there, and we are truly grateful and humbled by your love for Glenn. He was a really great guy, and I think that is evident in not only the quantity of his friends, but also in the quality of his relationship with each of you. I'm sure he was a little disappointed to have all of you in one room, yet unable to visit with anyone! So, thank you again for being such an important part of his life, and for making him important to you as well. I know he "deeply appreciated" it. It is said that time heals all wounds, and I am hoping this is true. Right now there is such a hole left in our hearts, especially Mom's, that seems too vast to ever be filled. I know we will never stop missing him or stop loving him, and that some days will be harder than others, but we will just take them as we have been- one day at a time.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Lindsey & Linda for your beautiful words that touched our hearts and keeping us updated. I will miss Uncle but like the blog says, I will take one day at a time. Love & Prayers ~Ty
