Our Family's Story

Our Family's Story

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

The sign above our fireplace says "Family is the best part of Christmas!" We have had such a wonderful Christmas because of our family. Brennan was the first to arrive when he came on the 10th to be with us while Glenn was in the hospital. He was so much help and finished the final touches to have the house ready for Glenn to come home and the arrival of the other kids. Lindsay and her Jared, and THE CUTEST GRANDBABIES IN THE WORLD arrived on the 19th from Pennsylvania. Jared and Jamie braved the snow and made it on Saturday. We were so excited to be together that it felt like Santa had already delivered the greatest gift. (Or maybe that was because the Bronco’s won….Nah!)

JJ and Grampa take a nap

Glenn’s brother & sister-in-law, Gary and Peggy, hosted a family party on Saturday for all of our extended family. We appreciate all of those that came from near and far, for those that prepared the incredible food, and for everyone’s efforts in making it such a special time for Glenn. Our nephew Chad hosted all of the family on Sunday night for a traditional Christmas dinner that was amazing! We want to thank everyone for being so gracious and for making even more wonderful memories together, and especially to those that were so considerate of Glenn’s health and were not able to attend. Your thoughtfulness meant just as much.

Unfortunately, early Christmas Eve morning Glenn had a seizure. We spent most of the day in the ER and everyone had a sigh of relief when they let him come home. We had forgotten the joys of children at Christmas~~the big kids and the small ones! It was wonderful beyond words to have Christmas together. We have many memories and traditions that we will hold close in our hearts and cherish.

We also want to thank our friends Heather Sali/Heather Sali Photography and Brad Maynes/Mayne Frame Photography. They have chronicled our family over the past few years with their incredible skills. Since we would all be together we (Linda) wanted to do a family picture. Glenn was still recuperating from the last hospital stay; he wasn’t up to going anywhere for pictures. Heather and Brad came to our home and were so compassionate and considerate in doing everything necessary to get great pictures. On Monday, Glenn and I were waiting with Jared for test results in the ER when I received a text with our picture and a note that the pictures were being downloaded. Words can’t describe how much it meant to both Glenn and me at that moment. We cherish every day and the memories they have captured for us are priceless. They have given to us so generously and we love and appreciate both of them.

Thursday found us back in the ER with another seizure. We’re hoping the medication now has them under control but it is not being tolerated very well and seems to be causing other problems. The next two weeks are booked with numerous doctor appointments and we’re hoping for some improvement. Glenn will meet with his Neurologist this week and have the baseline MRI and an EEG. The MRI will let us know if the tumor has started to grow back or if the radiation and chemo worked. We’ll meet with the Neurosurgeon and the Medical Oncologist, and he will start his second round of chemo. We could use all of your positive thoughts and prayers as we await the results of these tests.

Christmas Eve~~A hot cocoa toast with the coolest people ever!

With all of the challenges, we take time every day to reflect and be thankful for the many wonderful blessings that we have. We are so grateful to our children for the many thoughtful acts of service they do for us and for their love and concern. We love each of them so much. We have felt the hole in our hearts get bigger as each one has left to go home this past week. They each do so much in so many ways. Glenn and I have always said if they weren't our children we would chose them to be our friends. We love you Lindsay and Jared, Jared and Jamie, Brennan, Jonas, and Addison! We are also thankful for our extended family. Your visits, calls, cards, emails, all mean the world to Glenn. We have amazing friends that buoy us up on our dark days and remind us what it feels like to laugh. We are truly blessed. We would like to wish each of you Happy New Year!


Glenn and Linda


  1. Glenn and Linda

    Thank you for the great update. Know that you are in our hearts and prayers always. Sounds like a wonderful family Christmas and New Year's despite everything.

    Wishing you only good things for the coming year.


    1. Great pictures & loved your Christmas card Glenn & Linda! Would still like to come visit & bring you a casserole...
      Love you!
      Lee West

  2. Dear Glenn and Linda,
    What an incredible and inspiring journey you are experiencing! Thank you for sharing your story with all of us and for keeping us updated. Every time I read your blog entries and your facebook posts, I am amazed that I don't feel any sadness! The love that you have for each other, for your family and for this life RADIATES from your words and really makes me feel hopeful, grateful, and increases my faith and love in my fellow man! You guys are wonderful and just know that I for one will be praying for you every step of the way! I wish you peace and contentment, I wish for your good health to increase, and happiness....well, it seems you already have LOTS of that! You guys are great! Hugs and prayers to you and your family....Cami Callister

  3. Great pic of y'all for Christmas and thanks for the card! Love & Prayers! -Ty
